
Summer List I Am Striving To Complete.

1. maintain a steady job for more than a month [lol].
2. plan my NYC trip for New Year's Eve.
3. clean out the over 300 articles or clothing i have & fit the remaining into my small closet.
4. lose 15 pounds & get back to running 3 miles per day.
5. find out where i truly stand in life & where i want to go with it.
6. persue my career as a photographer & designer.

1. See Toy Story 3.
2. Plan my 19th birthday! [Go Libras!] 
3. Go To Butterfly World<3
4. Plan a big surprise for my bestie's bday ;)
5. Become a Pescetarian.
6. Finish my book 'The Mermaid Chair', along with a few others on my bookshelf.
7. Go Night Swimming.
8. Randomly Go Skinny Dipping. (first time ever, definitely scared!)
9. Spend a night on the beach.
10. Rapids.
11. South Beach for a day!
...still growing!


hey, sidenote!! :
anyone who wants to be in my list of links over there ------>
hit me up!


Concerning My Hiatus...

I'm sorry for the wait! I had personal issues which kept me away. 
My greatest apologies.. I'll be returning this week! 
I promise! <3


Don't You Just Love It?

So Unfortunate. Smh.. Maybe he'll truly detox up in there.
Crazy how they're firing all the guards that be tryina get his autograph and act like groupies.
He even got grown men on his jock -- the same ones he be sayin "fck the police" towards in his songs ^^) LMFAO!

Free Weezy ;)

Peace & Love.

Proverbs 4:23


Unforunately, we all know people die in this world for reasons they can't control. It's just part of life.
Last weekend my boyfriend, best friend, & I all did a Lou Gehrig's Disease 2mi walk.
It's sad that so many people are affected by this disease. Not only the people diagnosed, but the people around them also. 
Lou Gehrig's Disease is also referred to as ALS is a progressive neuro-degenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.
Unfortunately, I know people who have died of the disease & one of which is FAMILY.
I'm proud of myself for getting out of bed at 7am to do it.
And i'm proud of the almost 2,000 other people who did too.
Our team "Walk On" raised $1085.32 between ourselves. No sponsor.

Can you say amazing?

Peace & Love. 

Proverbs 4:23

Loading... Love 100%

So last night we went to our favorite lil place down in Sunrise. Had the best time.
And then i realized something : Love Can Be Great.
Truly, I Love Him.
él es las nubes para mi sol`.

Peace & Love.

Proverbs 4:23


Simplest Form Of An Elle!

So i was on simplestformofanelle.blogspot.com & i noticed not only that i ABOLSUTELY love it, but that she has these little buttons so you can fall in love with her too ;) 

Click IT ^^)
I was definitely inspired by her. 
So : her button is goin on my page & i encourage you to go read. 
I may be making one of those buttons.. they're madd cute :D

Other Facts : 
  • i've seen other people attempt; so because of my new photography company & my upcoming portfolio -- i may try a 365 project starting next week.
  • Cloudz finished his first blog! <3 {with a LilBiT of help from my design}
  • i plan to finish my poem "The Rice Butterfly" & give you guys a bit of my writer's block that i've had for about a week now. 
  • UNDRCRWN.com is having a sale, SneakerHeads! 

Peace & Love.

Proverbs 4:23



let's talk about this guy.. his name's Randy but he's also known as Cloudz & Busta`Bunny. we're not gonna talk about him relationship wise, but more like what i've learned from him. most valueable lesson  i've learned from him is not necessarily how to BE me, but how to FLAUNT it ;) he's not lookin for a girl, so ladies FALL BACK ON A STACK OF BRICKS 2 FEET TALL. he's so outgoing & yet so down to earth. he's the most mature person i know, but give him some music & he'll dance like he's 5 until he really starts to get down. unfortunately, he can't sing. but he's amazing at everything else i've seen him attempt to do. his most amazing trait is his perspective on life & most amazing feature is his smile. 
his swagg is pretty cool too. & he's got the best taste in old school r&b. 

i hope you get to meet him one day, if not, it's a SHAME. 

Peace & Love. 
Proverbs 4:23


Revival Trip

Well guys, it's February of 2010.
A lot of things have changed in my personal life since the last post including losing my job & my boyfriend. There are pros & cons to everything that happens in your life.
You just have to learn to leave histrionics in the past & that forgiveness is key in every situation.
Unfortunately, i learned the hard way.
But hopefully, things will get better for me very soon.

For My fB Page Click here! :D

This blog is re-opened officially not just for fashion or the things i FIND,
but also for the people & things I CREATE & i have personally been INSPIRED by.

I Hope You Enjoy.

Peace & Love.
Proverbs 4:23