
Jay-Z Gave Rihanna A Babsitter!

Partying celebs have caused big problems in the past for their careers and companies respectively. Rihanna has been on the club and party scene HEAVY ever since her and Chris Brown split. 
(Go Figure! Smh..) Rumored relationships, international parties, nude pics, and a few drunken stumbling out of the club  shots have all seen by the public and it has come out that El Presidente is not too happy about it and has taken steps to curb this partying.

Jay-Z, who discovered and signed Rihanna, thinks her partying is cheapening her image and has given her a babysitter to make sure she doesn’t get too wild. 
Supposedly Jay gave RiRi one of his OWN bodyguards and assigned him the mission of not letting Rihanna go down the Britney and Paris road of fame. The babysitter is with Rihanna full time until Jay says otherwise

This is hilarious to me!
Regular girls go out and get tossed every night & a celebrity should not be regular.